Thriving Teens
Ages 14–19
Our Thriving Teens program, formerly Boston Youth Network, provides 2 afterschool programs: Eastie Achievers (ages 15 - 19) and Pillars of STEAM (ages 10-14).
Thriving Teens is a space for young people to thrive, grow and learn, individually and together, without a financial barrier.
Eastie Achievers
(Ages 15 - 19)
Eastie Achievers provides youth the opportunity to learn, grow, and gain leadership experience all within the East Boston community. Youth in programming take part in weekly group meetings focused on various activities related to personal growth and the development of job skills while also being involved in service work at different childcare sites connected to East Boston Social Centers. Through their service work, teens receive an introduction to the early education field where the goal is to provide worthwhile interactions and create meaningful experiences with the children in the Early Learners program.
Pillars of STEAM
(Ages 10 - 14)
Pillars of S.T.E.A.M. provides Middle School youth the opportunity and space to play, grow, and learn about careers within the S.T.E.A.M. field. Students explore a new career each week and work through hands-on activity related to the careers they learn about. The goal for us being to provide kids with an initial understanding of what careers exist in these fields and to be another space to learn, play, and socialize.
Is your teen ready to thrive with us?
Fill out this form and you can email the Program Director with any questions!

Joy is Not a Solo Sport
In the Summer of 2019 and 2020, we developed the Joyful Eastie Youth Council to engage youth in creating a more joyful East Boston community, for all. The teens who participate learn about key factors for living a joyful life, and then develop and implement approaches to increase both personal and community joy — all while getting paid for their service to themselves and East Boston. The Council draws on evidence of what matters most for joy, with a focus on four main pillars: Relationships, Purpose, Mindfulness, and Fitness. Through Joyful Eastie, youth reduce stress, increase positive coping skills, reduce social isolation, increase self-esteem and self-awareness, increase leadership skills, access direct mental health support, and increase positive engagement with adults, organizations, and peers.

Success Driven Goals
The goal of our Thriving Teens program is to support the youth of East Boston to develop academic, social, emotional, and leadership skills, and to build connections with their peers. Our program helps to improve attitudes toward school, increase academic achievement, and expose youth to different career pathways. We also lead activities focused on reducing stress, increasing positive coping skills, and developing self-esteem and leadership skills.
Cultural & Economic Diversity
We believe diversity in East Boston makes our community a better place to live, which is why our network of Thriving Teens reflects the diversity of youth in East Boston and surrounding neighborhoods. 80% of teens in our program are young people of color, and 80% have families who are low-income. We strive to design programming and cultivate a space that is inclusive, accessible, safe, and welcoming for teens and families of all backgrounds, abilities, and lived experiences. Our Thriving Teen programming is 100% free for all youth.
Lots to Do
Weekly activities are centered around the five pillars of joy: Relationships, Purpose, Mindfulness, Fun, and Fitness. Youth participate in group icebreakers and games, thoughtful discussions, organized sports, and mindfulness practices as well as plan service projects to engage the community of East Boston. We also provide homework assistance, career and college readiness workshops, as well as leadership and technical training.
Data Driven
We ensure the success of our program by tracking the achievement of our Thriving Teens using surveys and self-assessments, as well as participating in coaching sessions and training to improve curriculum and program quality.
Learn more about our other programs
Early Learners
Ages 2 months–5 years
Bright Minds
Ages 5–14
Active Adults
Ages 65+