East Boston Family Engagement Network Highlights
More Successes
Provided 30 ASQ Screenings (Ages & Stages Questionnaires) for children ages 0-5.
Hosted Arabic Cultural Day, El Salvador Festival, and Three Kings Day Festival
Hosted a successful three part workshop with the YWCA on Women’s Wellness
Organized a Health & Wellness Fair with over 200 people in attendance at the Social Centers
Offered classes and tutoring to English language learners
Two Parent Partners wrote and received a grant for Arabic Family Book Club
Provided over 30 Welcome Baby Visits
Parent Partner hosts a Spanish Literacy Class every Friday at the Social Centers
Produce Monthly Calendar for Families reaching over 1000 families each month
2 Additional Parents trained and added to the cohort of trainers through Read Boston for literacy workshops for families
Advocated for children and families at the State House
Contact Us
To sign up to our newsletter, join the network, or to learn more, please contact Gloria Devine, Director of EBFEN.
Connect with Us on Facebook for frequent updates on community events and resources
Learn more about our other community programs
Every Child Shines
Joyful Eastie
English Language Learners